A Mindful Minute

Stress and anxiety seem to be the norm these days. Even though the holidays culminate with the promise of a new year, ongoing uncertainty can build up and affect us in subtle ways.
Prolonged stress can lead to:
- Difficulty with motivation
- Decreased emotional resilience or
- Simply a desire for momentary escape
Numbing out is common when we feel locked in prolonged stress, so instead we turn to activities that take us away from our difficulties. This could be in the form of bingeing on social media, streaming services, shopping, or food and substances. While we all need a break, this type of consumption often makes us feel worse in the long term and ends up adding to, not alleviating, our stress.
In a world that runs on overdrive, we can easily get swept up in the pace if we’re not mindful about pausing to be curious about our actions, reactions, and internal state.
When was the last time you paused to check in with yourself? Even for a few breaths?
Enter a mindful minute
A simple, easy, minute-long opportunity to turn inwards and check with yourself before clicking to the next show, the next purchase, or the next order.
Sometimes we eat when we need rest.
Sometimes we sleep when we need to move our bodies.
Sometimes we buy something when what we need is a hug.
So go ahead and try it. Give yourself a break in the day – even for a minute – to feel your breath and to tap in and ask “What do I really need right now?”
Because as minutes add up to hours, and hours become days, your body and mind will be thanking you while the lengthening daylight might seem just a bit brighter.
Behavioral Health Services at The Health Center at Hudson Yards
In addition to a team of primary care providers and specialists, The Health Center has two full time psychologists, Anna Hickner, Psy.D. and Molly Sherb, PhD. available for one-time consultations and/or ongoing goal-oriented therapy. If you would like to consult with a professional, please contact our Personal Health Navigators by chat through the member portal or by calling 646.819.5100. There is no obligation to commit to ongoing therapy sessions.
Our psychologists have experience in: anxiety, depression, stress and anger management, coping skills, mindfulness, emotion regulation, social skills, relationship issues, life transitions, family conflict, parenting difficulties, women’s health issues, grief, trauma, and identity development.
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